Ensuring safe and reliable shipments

IATA Freight and Coordinated operations preparing has an unrivaled history in assisting large number of air freight experts with remaining in their prime.In cargo, time is of the essence, and the processes are extremely complicated. You should take care of the transient issue of shipment and the drawn out challenge of computerized change.For every aspect of the supply chain, including strategy, business planning and development, management and optimization, business intelligence, operations, and handling, we provide the most dynamic and cutting-edge training solutions in the industry.

IATA offers internationally recognized training certificates with the added benefit

Course materials based on IATA's manuals, standards, and industry best practices; in-house customized training based on your learning objectives; highly qualified instructors who are experts in their field and have demonstrated their ability to deliver courses with high results. Practical and interactive training to equip students with skills and knowledge that they can use in the workplace.

Ensure up-to-date skills

IATA Cargo & DGR courses are based on the latest IATA Manuals, which stipulate the latest rules and regulations that have come into effect.

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